- Connaître les differents modeles explicatifs de la sante et de la maladie
- Connaître les modeles de sanogenese
- Le phenomene du stress et le phenomene d epuisement professionnel
- Identifier le type de personalite associe a la maladie psychosomatique
- Identifier la trouble de la personalite
- Acquerir la terminologie de base de la psychologie
- Formator: Anghel Teodora
- Formator: Hogea Lavinia
- Knowing the various explanatory models of health and disease
- Knowing the sanogenesis models
- The role of stress and burn out phenomenon
- Identifying the type of personality associated with psychosomatic disease
- Identifying the personality disorders
- Acquiring the basic terminology of psychology
- Formator: Anghel Teodora
- Formator: Hogea Lavinia
- cunoasterea diferitelor modele explicative ale bolii
- cunoasterea modelelor de sanogeneza
- cunoasterea rolului stresului si identificarea fenomenului burnout
- identificarea tipului de personalitate corespunzator anumitor afectiuni psihosomatice
- identificarea unor tulburari de personalitate
- insusirea terminologiei de spcialitate
- Formator: Anghel Teodora
- Formator: Hogea Lavinia